Sales & Service
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- There are 4 methods of processing sales through to invoices (i) Sales Orders to Deliveries to Invoice (ii) Sales Orders to Invoices (iii) Invoice only and (iv) Counter Sale more commonly known as POS Point of Sale.
- You can consolidate customer invoices for jobs, sales orders, deliveries and recurring invoices (contracts).
- Orders can be invoiced in multiple foreign currencies per customer. Customer payments can be received in a different currency to the original invoice.
- Customer statements can be generated by currency and the Customer Aging report is based on the exchange rates for the report As at Date.
- Ostendo supports multiple delivery addresses, branch or head office billing, head office month end statements amongst many other options.
- Your billing customers can have customised invoices and delivery dockets that meet their specific internal audit requirements.
- To assist you with the sales order process we have included:
- An extensive pricing matrix with easy updates and multi tiered discount matrix
- Sales kit sets
- Configuring items on the fly for custom products
- Current and projected stock availability
- Alternate item option
- Add-on sales options by item with warranty codes
- Warranty tracking commences at the time of product or service sale and continues through its lifecycle, recording all service, maintenance, and repair activities. This includes manufacturers' warranties and extended warranties that you have sold to the customer.
- For product or service sales with a future ongoing service commitment with service level agreements, you can automatically create a customer service asset upon selling the product or service to a customer.
- These service assets can have warranty records and preventative maintenance service agreements setup against them that will automatically schedule and create the service jobs required.
- A complete sales and service history for the customer and the customer's service.
- Service reminder letters can be generated and sent by email or printed.
- Ostendo supports rentals and equipment hire.

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Ostendo® adds advanced inventory, job costing, manufacturing, service and distribution to your accounting system.