Manufacturing, Engineering & Assembly
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- Manufacturing incorporates making products to order or to stock from component items. You can choose the level of simplicity or complexity that you wish to use.
- This ranges from an assembly order with no details, through using simple Bills of Material, or simple routing, to full use of combined BOM, routing and resources with cost rollups.
- Orders can be generated on the fly, source on demand, from a prescheduled planned order, or as a configured custom product.
- BOMs include setup, scrap percentage, can be as many levels deep as required and include component items, descriptors, and labour.
- Co-products, by-products and phantom assemblies are also supported.
- Each line in a BOM can optionally be linked to a step in the routing, and each routing step can identify the detailed resource requirements.
- A mass global replacement facility is used for substituting items and a where used enquiry for BOMs.

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Ostendo® adds advanced inventory, job costing, manufacturing, service and distribution to your accounting system.